Minimize Your Life – Personal Financial Goals 5 of 6

Today we will go over a few ways to minimize you life to simplify your budget and expenses. First of all, there is nothing wrong with having things, liking things and accumulating wealth. However, there is a “minimalism” movement going on out in the world. When I looked into it a little further, I started to understand why. There are many stages and extremes of this movement, and we aren’t suggesting that it’s for you. However, we do think there is a take away that can impact your bottom line. Read below for a few of our simple ideas to minimize your life and reduce your expenses!

Organize Your Home – Minimize Your Life

This may be your pantry, your hallway closet or a storage room. One thing is for sure…being disorganized can cost you in more ways than one. Have you ever bought something to find out you already have one and didn’t really need it? I have done with this sheets, Christmas bulbs, shoes and even deodorant. If I had been more organized, I could have been more conscious and not spent extra money on those things. Getting your home organized and keeping it that way will never disappoint you!

Re-Think Your Clothing – Minimize Your Life

I love clothes and I have lots of friends who love them even more than me. However, I do not feel as attached to my items as I used to and I don’t get the same high from shopping. I find myself avoiding clothes I am “only going to wear one time” and instead trying to borrow something from a friend or make do. Add up what you have spent in your closet and you may panic. Every $18 shirt and $28 clearance dress add up. Accumulating only things that add value to your life will greatly reduce your expenses.

You could try curating a “capsule wardrobe” – this is pieces of clothing (shirts, pants, dresses, scarves etc) that coordinate and can be mixed up to create many different options and outfits. Another idea is turning the hanger backwards whenever you wear an item in your closet. Then you can donate anything you didn’t wear at the end of 90 days. Each person should do what is best for them, but being more cognizant of what we will ACTUALLY use is good for our closets and our environment.

Challenge Time – Minimize Your Life

You can go ahead and Google this one. There are plenty of  minimizing challenges out there for you and your family. Donate one bag a day for an entire month. Or, on the 1st give away one thing, on the 2nd give away two things etc. Even setting up a standing donation bin in your home for things that don’t bring value to your life anymore can make a BIG difference in your clutter. Now that’s a great way to maximize your tax deduction!

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