Preparing Your Family’s October Budget

Each month when I prepare my budget there are a few things I need to watch out for! Those things change from month to month and can vary depending on your situation. October is the first month of the last quarter of the year. Snap your fingers and it will be 2018 (at least that’s what it feels like!)

Halloween Costumes – October Budgeting

Ahhhhh…the big holiday in the fall that every kid looks forward to! Many children I know start planning their costumes MONTHS in advance. It doesn’t matter whether you are a DIY-er or go straight to the pop-up costume shop in your town. You need to set aside some funds for this. If you don’t have children, then keep in mind the cost of candy to pass out at your house. Last year we spent $40 and ran out…it was enough for me to consider going out to dinner and shutting off the porch light this year! 🙂

Holiday Savings – October Budgeting

My recommendation is to begin saving for the holidays (or buying) much, MUCH earlier than October if you can. However, if that is unnecessary, impossible or you are a procrastinator, you better start now. This is your last chance to get ahead of it at all! You are 8-12 weeks out in October. Time to make a list and get it going!

Preparation  & Maintenance For Winter

This one is dependent on where you live. In Michigan, there can be quite a bit to do! Blowing out sprinkler systems, disposing of leaves and preparing the house can be overwhelming. This may include cleaning out heating ducts or having your furnace inspected or at least, changing the filter. Although spring makes you want to open the windows and puts a pep in your step…shutting the house “down” can be a drag. Make sure you do it anyway!

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