Business Instability

There is an old adage in show business that “The show must go on” under all circumstances. For those who have mastered their craft their audience will still go away satisfied as having come in touch with artistry despite the obstacles that present themselves at show time. This is so because they know their craft inside and out and have the experience to minimize their difficulties.

Even the masters can work harder and produce less than their best results if unexpected obstacles get in the way or they don’t bring all the necessary training and equipment to their performance. As simple as it is to understand this baby-level fact of life, when we go into business for ourselves, it’s amazing how quickly our enthusiasm, determination, dreams of success and dazzle of future diamonds blind our view of reality.

I’m talking blind spots and a business fact of life here. Any enterprise is a three-legged stool resting on a product or service, management of the resources of the business, and sales/marketing effort; a business that is too weak in any of these areas will not stand.

Another fact of business life is that far too many people in small business, even “established” people, are operating with a two-and-a-half-legged stool. Their business neither thrives nor falls; it just teeters along being more difficult than necessary to run while yielding unnecessarily mediocre results.

Basic deficiencies do not go away on their own. The business owner who thrives and prospers will honestly and dispassionately zero in on the weak legs and will determine whether a solution can be sought from others, bought from professionals, achieved through study or whether a problem can and should be worked around temporarily.

The earlier in the game you find and face up to your shortcomings, the less damage will occur. Inadequate finances, poor sales or administrative tangles are big league problems that are not finessed away any more than they are bulldozed away.

If your business is feeling a little unstable these days know that we are always willing to provide a helping hand and restore the balance.

For those of you that are new to Numerico the first consultation is always on us.

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