Small Business Valuation

There is nothing easy about valuing your business or deciding how much to sell for.  Your value depends on many different factors…this includes, but is not limited to methods of Asset Valuation, Rules of Thumb (or comparable businesses sold), Liquidation Value and Income Capitalization. The truth is, the most accurate valuation is going to come from an educated professional who understands all of these methods and can use the results in conjunction to produce a precise result.


Jay Kossen, one of our long-time associates has devoted years to evaluating complex small business valuations.  He has extensive experience in all facets of small business accounting which includes expenses, debits and credits, small business planning, multi-state taxation (including Puerto Rico) and of course Business Valuation. You are in good hands here at Numerico PC with Gary, Jay and the entire team – Jay is deliberate and concise in his advice and a financial voice you can trust!

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