Does Planting A Garden Lower Your Expenses?

Hello to spring! I am so happy that spring is upon us and we are moving toward the coveted summer months in Michigan. Spring has me thinking about getting outside and attacking my landscaping. Recently I have considered planting a garden. I know it can be hard work, but there are many benefits. My head is flooded with romantic thoughts of growing my own veggies and fruit. When I discussed these notions with my husband, he asked me how much this was going to cost and if I really thought it would pay off, which got me thinking!

How Much Will It Cost Me To Plant A Garden?

Well, that obviously depends on quite a few factors. At the minimum, you should consider the following:

  • How big is your garden going to be?
  • What will you grow?
  • How often you will need to water it
  • What it will cost to keep predators away

It is important to remember that (especially in Michigan) gardening is weather dependent. Your garden could be lavish, green and gorgeous or it could be a total flop. Be diligent with watering and tending, and cross your fingers as well. Read up on some blogs and ask your gardening friends for advice! A rough estimate for a 32 square foot vegetable bed is around $150. Use that as a guide as you move forward.

Will Planting A Garden Lower My Grocery Bill?

Will your garden’s bounty substitute for things you usually purchase? You need to consider what types of meals you will make with what you grow and if you will be able to use all of the produce you yield. For instance, I plan to plant strawberry plants. I don’t regularly buy strawberries and a plant doesn’t yield too many strawberries, so this will not lower my grocery bill much. However, I consistently buy zucchini, cucumbers and tomatoes. If my garden is successful, it would save me significantly to plant these – nearly $15 per week!

When it comes down to it, I realize that the true benefit of growing my own fruits and vegetables is priceless! It is a way to get outside, spend time in nature, nourish my body and skip a trip or two to the grocery store.

Check out our friends, Artman’s Nursery & Landscaping for ALL of your landscaping needs in Metro Detroit and beyond!

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