Be Aware of Tax Scams All Year Round, Not Just During Tax Season

Paying taxes in the first place is a touchy subject for many (because we don’t like to do it). The worries of being audited or having penalties levied for any number of various reasons loom overhead as we miss our money. Things are even more nerve-wracking now, as con artists continue to trick tax payers every day.

These con artists call random people posing to be IRS agents and often times demand money immediately. These people may sound completely legitimate and even may provide a false IRS badge number. Consumers are warned to hang up on phony collectors, and here are a few tips to identify these scams:

The IRS will not call and ask you for bank account information.

The IRS will not threaten to bring in local police to have you arrested for not paying taxes you owe.

These scammers may sound like they have important information on you already. If you are unsure about how this information was collected, hang up.

Another major way that consumers are tricked out of their money is by the empty tax relief promises commonly shown on television commercials. Often times these are just scams themselves that require you to pay upfront fees and additional hidden payments. This money is not used to fix your tax problems, it is used to fund lavish lifestyles for the crooks who run the scam. The best way to handle your tax problem is to contact the tax experts at Numerico, P.C.





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