Customer Service is Key

Here at Numerico, we pride ourselves on our customer service.  After all, we are here to serve.  We always welcome suggestions from clients on ways to improve our services.  In fact, just last week we sent out a post-tax season client survey.  We typically do this once every few years and while we usually don’t receive an overwhelming response, it is important to have an outlet if clients do wish to raise any comments or concerns.  It is also a suggestion in step two of the following article on ways to build a community with your clients (


Many companies have found themselves using social media sites such as Facebook or Twitter to stay connected to their clients.  These sites allow customers to receive updates from your company and immediately give feedback.  In today’s age it is easy to be completely digital and while these sites generally have many benefits, face-to-face contact can go a long way.  Be sure to schedule meetings from time to time instead of always emailing topics or consider hosting a customer appreciation event.


If you’re interested in staying connected to Numerico, head on over to our Facebook page to “like” us and let us know how we’re doing!

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