Retirement Planning With Your Accountant

Retirement planning…we all know it is a must, but it can be overwhelming! Many people think of financial advisers or investors when they think of retirement planning. And for good reason! It is likely that you will want advice and guidance from one of these professionals and also from a life insurance agent as well. Instead of asking for advice from just one of these financial professionals, you should seek advice from a team of people you trust. A great retirement portfolio may include a mix of insurance, investments and savings. Don’t ever feel like you need to put all of your eggs in one basket with a financial professional. One of the most qualified and often overlooked professionals to talk about retirement planning with is your accountant.

Our first and most convincing reason…your accountant is NOT trying to sell you something. Instead of recommending a product (such as an insurance policy or Roth IRA) that they will MAKE money on, they can help you choose the right path based on your needs, and your needs alone. They have no money-making interest in you choosing one thing or the other. Your accountant only cares about giving you great advice, keeping a helpful and beneficial relationship with you and enhancing your financial well-being.

The second reason is they will help you start at square one. Instead of trying to convince you of how much to invest, save or spend each month, they can help you determine how much you have to spend and how much you need to spend to accomplish your goals. Accountants break things down to simple, smart and effective budgeting of your income.

Think Taxes And Your Future When It Comes To Retirement Planning

The third, and maybe most convincing reason, is that they will help you understand the tax implications of which path you choose. Investments, Roths and insurance policies are all taxed differently…now and in the case they are passed on to your heirs. Our accountants have sound knowledge of the current laws and can help you understand how much of this money it is likely you will keep.

Please let us know if we can offer any advice on your retirement planning. We specialize in helping small business owners and families understand their financial decisions…now and in to the future!

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