Boost Your Income With These Three Simple Steps

Who doesn’t want to boost their income? Most of us will benefit from a bump in our income and the ability to reach some of our financial goals with ease. I have found several ways over the years to boost my income and it has always made me feel more stable. Here are three simple steps I take to boost my income when I need to.

What Can I Purge?

First of all, I find that almost everyone I know has stuff to purge. My first inclination in years past was to donate it all. And although that is a good thing that I still do here and there, it isn’t my first go-to. While many people think they can deduct it off of their taxes, there is limitations to what you can deduct. Also, a tax deduction isn’t going to boost my income the way selling something will.

I have a rule that if I can get more than $3 for a clothing item, I sell them. There are several apps (Poshmark is my favorite!) for selling clothes. Facebook Marketplace is a good option too, and I know people who sell gently used kid’s clothes by the garbage bag! For other things such as household goods, parts, tool etc, I stick to a $15 rule. Meaning I list it to sell if I can make $15 or more. This is because my family doesn’t collect as many “other things” as they do clothes.

What Can I Eliminate?

This one is all over the map for me. Maybe it is eating out more than once per week or giving up my glass of wine. This could mean the family compromising on cable or some other entertainment. There is almost always items in my budget that can be cut back on or eliminated all together. This gets you in the best position to boost your income and really feel the difference!

What Can I DO To Boost My Income?

Here are my tips for raising or earning income:

  • Get creative…make and sell something online.
  • Find a part time job or a job that pays for you to do something as needed
  • Ask for a raise at work or ask for additional responsibilities to earn more income

In closing, if you combine all of the above strategies, you will surely boost your income and reach your goals!

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