Inspiring Gifts For Your Team To Kick Off 2019

I know it may sound a little silly to say, but I am going to say it anyway. One of my goals for 2019 is to be more inspiring. Not because I think I have anything wise, lofty or trite to tell people, but because I think the world needs more authenticity and inspiring information. Obviously “being inspiring” can present itself in many different ways. So today, we will talk about inspiring gifts and using the modality of reward to create a better life and company culture.

Inspiring Gifts To Reward Your Team Members

  • Bringing in a speaker or expert in a certain area. One idea I had was having a long time friend who focuses on customer service come in to speak to our front line about joy and showing others how you care. This may apply to you in different ways, but as opposed to focusing on education, have the speaker focus on development.
  • Something physical to consider would be a journal, planner or coaching workbook for team members to work on together or separately.
  • My time. This one may sound simple…who wants to spend time with their boss? The feedback I have received over the years is…most people! Employees want to be seen and heard.
  • A path to growth, a raise or a sought after benefit. You decide whether something like this applies to you or not. Do each of your employees know what they need to do to get to the next promotion, milestone or benefit? It is easy to put out a handbook, have a once a year review and then forget about it. As a leader I manage a lot of things and people at once. Someone’s income is only one of 100 tabs open in my brain. For them, it is front and center.
  • Any gift they have agency over is really important. When they get to choose how they spend their time, it matters more to them. That could be an extra lunch hour, a special vacation day or a gift card to a unique store.
  • Gift of a yoga class, meditation workshop or cooking class. Learning something new is so valuable!

In Closing

This blog post isn’t so much about giving gifts. It is about taking the opportunity to inspire employees and improve your culture by rewarding your team with something fulfilling. Some additional thought into the gifts I give or activities I plan has always paid off!

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