Clothes and Accessories – Four Tips To Save You Money

Clothes and accessories are the downfall of my budget. Clothing for myself and my family really adds up! So much goes into my buying decisions. In Michigan we have to consider weather and seasons. I also own clothes in a few sizes, and as my kids grow, their wardrobe must change too. I have often fallen victim to purchasing clothes or accessories out of convenience. Unfortunately, I find the convenience pricing to be the most expensive. For that reason I have tried to become more proactive about clothes shopping in my family. Here are my tips!

1. Capsule Wardrobes

Ever heard of these? Capsule wardrobes are small collections of clothing that all match or fit together. An example would be two pairs of pants, two blouses, a tank, a sweater and a skirt that can all be interchanged and warn with each other. Think less like an outfit and more of a curated collection. Your capsule wardrobe can be accented seasonally with the color(s) of your choice. There are many ideas online and I highly recommend exploring this option. When everything fits together you need less items overall! These are perfect for children learning to dress themselves as well.

2. Buy Basics In Bulk

Socks, underwear and undershirts can all be purchased in bulk. Depending on who is in your family, you can often split up items like socks. I buy all of my socks and basic tanks at Costco in bulk. There are many great places online as well.

3. Buy Gently Used Clothes

There is nothing wrong with perusing thrift stores or buying from Facebook Marketplace or online stores like thredUP. In fact, this is a marvelous way to save money and time! Even when we purchase on sale, we are purchasing at a premium. I prefer to have money in my pocket. My annual neighborhood garage sale is a great place to score too!

4. Create A Clothing Swap

This is something many of my friends benefit from. We have done this with other families at church, but you could also do it with your friends group or just your neighborhood. Organize your clothes that still have life in them and trade them totally free with people that need your sizes. That’s a win-win!

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